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Style 风格 Lecture4 Style objectives Get to know the elements of style Understand composition and photographic techniques Understand dialectical montage The main principles of composition The uses of lenses and camera angles Mise-en-scene场面调度 that which is put in the scene; what is in the picture The elements: sets, framing, lighting, symbols/motifs, and costumes, make-up, and props Functions (clarity of plot structure; carrying extra information about what is happening within the scene) Setting布景 The fulfillment of certain generic expectations The achievement of verisimilitude逼真 The expression of the overall mood and tone of the film The expression of the subjective mood of a certain character at a certain time The expression of symbolic values The expression of certain cinematic contrasts or structural oppositions Framing取景 Sound and Lighting音效和照明 Diegetic sound剧情音效(occurs in the fictional world of the film) Non-diegetic sound非剧情音效(does not occur within the fictional world of the film and can only be heard by the audience) Variables affecting lighting: type, source, quality, and color Source of light (can come either from a direction we would expect, or from an unexpected direction to produce a surreal, expressionistic表现主义的 effect) Symbols and Motifs象征和母题 A symbol is something that stands for or suggests something else, usually on account of a relationship, association, convention or resemblance. A motifs is a recurring反复出现的 feature or idea related to the theme of the film; frequently it will be a recurring symbol Continuity Editing连续剪辑 Safe and Unsafe Space 安全和不安全空间 The technique of continuity editing tends to produce what has been called “safe space”. It creates a reassuring feeling that the space before the camera is “safe” and unthreatening. Unsafe space is produced when the camera shows us that the character cannot see what he or she is looking for The effect is a sense of uncertainty, suspense, and anxiety. It can also be produced when the audience is forc



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