英文故事_Beneath the Saddle(附理解练习).doc

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英文故事_Beneath the Saddle(附理解练习)

Beneath the Saddle by Russell Gordon Carter Nathan Cathcart sat upright in bed, his heart pounding. In his ears still rang the pistol shot that had awakened him, and from the frozen road at the base of the hill came the clatter of hoofbeats. He was about to hurry to the window, when a heavy object struck the front door, causing the whole house to tremble. “Open in the King’s name!” came a harsh voice. And another added, “Aye, and be quick!” Vividly aware that he was alone in the little isolated farmhouse, he thought of his mother and longed for her comforting presence. These men at the door were hostile British soldiers, there could be little doubt of that! With teeth chattering, the boy got hastily into his clothes and made his way down the steep, narrow stairway. As he reached the door, it jarred under a succession of powerful blows that threatened to splinter it. “Who is there?” he called in a shaking voice. “You will soon find out if you keep us waiting longer!” Nathan drew aside the heavy oak bar and lifted the latch, and with a rush of cold air the door swung inward. In front of him stood two British dragoons in scarlet uniforms. Beyond them he had a glimpse of others, on their way up the hill, leading their horses. “Whose house is this?” demanded one of the men in the doorway. As he spoke, the two strode inside. “I – I live here with my mother.” Nathan replied. “Tonight I’m alone, because she had to go to Norfolk to nurse my aunt, who is ill.” “Well, young rebel,” the dragoon ordered, “go and fetch candles, for we mean to have look about. Mind you lose no time.” Nathan hesitated, then went into the living room, where a square of moonlight lay upon the wide floor. Why did these men wish to search the house? What could they expect to find?” In a few minutes he was back in the hallway with two lighted candles in brass candlesticks. By that time the rest of the party had reached the house. They strode noisily inside and then


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