英文 介绍 三月节日.ppt

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英文 介绍 三月节日

characterise Selfless and modest person who was devoted to the Communist Party and the people of China. In the campaign of Learn from Comrade(同志) Lei Feng, initiated by Mao in 1963, Lei became a cultural icon symbolizing selflessness, modesty, and dedication(题词); the youth of the country were encouraged to follow his example. 雷锋语录 雷锋语录    人的生命是有限的,可是,为人民服务是无限的,我要把有限的生命,投入到无限的为人民服务之中去。    There is a limit to ones life, but no limit to serving the people. I would devote my limited life to limitlessly serving the people.       雷锋语录 如果你是一滴水,你是否滋润了一寸土地?如果你是一线阳光,你是否照亮了一分黑暗?如果你是一颗粮食,你是否哺育了有用的生命?如果你是一颗最小的螺丝钉,你是否永远守在你生活的岗位上?如果你要告诉我们什么思想,你是否在日夜宣扬那最美丽的理想?你既然活着,你又是否为了未来的人类生活付出你的劳动,使世界一天天变得更美丽?我想问你,为未来带来了什么?在生活的仓库里,我们不应该只是个无穷尽的支付者。 If you are a drop of water, do you moisten an inch of the land? If you are the first sunlight, do you illuminate the dark hours? If you are food, do you foster useful life? If you are one of the smallest screws, will you always stick with the status of your life? If you want to tell us what you are thinking, do you disseminate the most beautiful ideal day and night? When you are alive do you always remember to work hard and realize your efforts will affect future lives and let the world become more beautiful day by day? I would like to ask you, what have you brought about for the future? In our life, we should not only be spenders. 雷锋语录 要学习的时间是有的,问题是我们善不善于挤,愿不愿意钻。   If a person truly wants to study something, they can always find time. The key is whether they can budget their time in an efficient way.   雷锋语录 一个人的作用,对于革命事业来说,就如一架机器上的一颗螺丝钉。 A person for the revolutionary cause, just like a screw for a machine.   International Womens Day is celebrated each year on March 8th. Groups around the world use this day to honor the progress of women. They also use the day to call attention to the social, political and economic problems facing women and girls. Among the issues are forced marriage, sexual abuse, poverty and a lack of education. National Wo


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