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Selected Readings in British Literature Unit 1 Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400) the Canterbury Tales Geoffrey Chaucer (1340?-1400) II. Geoffrey Chaucer ?Literary career The French period (The Book of the Duchess) The Italian period (Troilus and Criseyde) The mature period (The Canterbury Tales) diplomat, soldier, scholar, Controller of the Customs, Justice of the Peace and Knight of the Shire (Member of Parliament). the father of English poetry born in a middle class family, son of a well-to-do wine merchant. Canterbury Tales A rich, tapestry of medieval social life combining elements of all classes, from nobles to workers, from priests and nuns to drunkards and thieves. When The Canterbury Tales were written: Christianity was the dominant social force throughout western Europe, including England. The Feudal System was the way of life in Medieval times and if you failed to follow it you could be killed for treason. If you worked hard enough and did enough good deeds you could advance in the system but it was uncommon to advance past a knight or noble Middle Ages: General Timeline Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales History of the Tales Geoffrey Chaucer began writing the tales around 1387 AD Uncompleted manuscript published 1400AD, the year he died First book of poetry purposely written in the English language Set a precedent and poets from Shakespeare to Dryden and Keats to Eliot owe him a debt of gratitude Begun: 1386 Planned: 120 tales Completed: 22 and 2 fragments Remaining: 80 manuscripts Most highly decorated: Ellesmere Manuscript Variety of genres: general prologue is estates satire Pilgrimage as a framing device for tales Conventional springtime opening Ernest and game – instruction and entertainment Pilgrimage Very popular to go on pilgrimage Pilgrims often want to Rome or Jerusalem Canterbury Cathedral: shrine to Thomas a Becket Reasons Hope of heavenly reward Penance 苦修;忏悔 Pubs


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