英文 溶血性贫血(徐运孝).ppt

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英文 溶血性贫血(徐运孝)

一、General Information ● Hb Structure ● Definition of Hemolytic Anemias 3、Pathogenesis Intrinsic abnormities of red cells: red cell membrane disorders ;enzyme defects ;hereditary Hb disease. Extrinsic abnormities of red cells: Immune;Physical and mechanical; chemical;infections。 四、Diagnosis (一)Dominant evidence of diagnosis 1、Clinical manifestations of hemolytic anemia 2、Laboratory examinations show the life span of red cells is shortened and the destruction of red cells is excessive. 3、Significant increase of normoblast hyperplasia in bone marrow (1)examination about the shortened life span and excessive destruction of the red cells. ? The life span of the red cells is shortened. 32P-DFP or H-DFP T1/2?15 d (normal 25-32d) ? changes of red cell morphology:spherocyte,ellipotocyte,stomatocyte,helmet cell,sickle cell. ? LDH ?? (2)Examination about the increased plasma free hemoglobin moderate hemolysis combine with Hp Hp ? small part combine with hemopexin hemopexin? free Hb ? albumin severe hemolysis some convert to methemoglobin methemalbumin renal reabsorption epithlium major port hemoglobinuria by renal tubule urine hemosiderin hemosiderineuria desquamation (3)Examination about abnormal metabolism of bilirubin Indirect bilirubin? Urine urobilinogen?,urine bilirubin(-) Stool bilinogen? (三)Find the etiology of hemolysis anemia ? Exam


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