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* contents Basic formation Movie Review Movie Feedback Basic formation Director:Robert Zemeckis Producer:Paramount Pictures, Inc Actor/actress:Tom Hanks/Robin Wright Running time:142min Production costs:$55,000,000 National total box office:$329,694,499.00 Overseas total box office:$350,000,000.00 Soundtrack authors:Alan Silvestri Director:Robert Zemeckis Chinese name 罗伯特·泽米吉斯 job scriptwriter、director、film producer Original Robert Zemeckis main achievements Forrest Gump others name 劳勃辛·密克斯 representative works Who Framed Roger Rabbit、A Christmas Carol、Cast Away Nationality America birthplace Chicago date of birth 1952-5-14 imdb nm0000709 In the 67th Oscar Award in 1995, Forrest Gump has got six Grand Prices the best picture the best actor the best achievement in directing adapting drama the best achievement in film editing best visual effect prize type receiver result 1995 Oscar Best Actor Tom Hanks Awards Best Soundtrack Best director Robert Zemeckis Awards Alan Silvestri Best Adapted Screenplay Eric Roth Awards nominate Best Film Editing Arthur Schmidt Awards Best Visual Effects Ken Ralston Awards best supporting actor Gary Sinise nominate best cinematography Don Burgess nominate Best Production Design Rick Hunter nominate Best Sound Randy Thom nominate Best Sound Editing Randy Thom nominate Best Make-up Daniel C nominate prize type receiver result 1995 Golden Globe best actor - television drama Tom Hanks Awards Best director Robert Zemeckis Awards best cinematography best supporting actor Gary Sinise nominate Don Burgess best supporting actress Robin Wright nominate nominate Best Adapted Screenplay Eric Roth Awards 1995 The British film and television art academy Best Special Effects Ken Ralston Awards Best Actor Tom Hanks nominate best supporting actress Sally Field nominate Best Adapted Screenplay Eric Roth nominate Best Editing Arthur Schmid nominate David Lynn director Robert Zemeckis nominate prize type receiver result 1996 Awards of th


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