英文ppt Parents and children how to get along with each other.ppt

英文ppt Parents and children how to get along with each other.ppt

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英文ppt Parents and children how to get along with each other

Parents Children How to get along with each other? & Outlining Phenomenon and significance Some mean reasons Tips for dealing with the problem Relationship ——ancient times Hierarchy obey and revere Relationship ——modern times Several new problems Harder than before Estrangement Revolt Run away from home Reasons ——too busy to be a good parent Busy Lonely Material concern only Lack of responsibility Reasons ——influenced by traditional concept Control everything of children Force children to develop in a prearranged direction Reasons ——lack the commonsense of education physical punishment scold pressure Educate children in the wrong way Resistance and concealment Reasons ——children’s rebellious period Unlovely Not know right from wrong Solutions ——spend more time with kids A long-term investment Emotional nutrition Travelling Solutions ——to be a superman for the children Set a good example worship Solutions ——choose right educational way Praise and tolerance Make independent decisions Offer advice Solutions ——understanding and communication Exchange of thinking Trust and honesty Thank you!


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