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--经典粤菜 One of the four great traditions of Chinese cuisine --中国著名四大菜系之一 Guangzhou, a Food paradise --食在广州 Use a wide variety of ingredients, offering food of all tastes, shapes and colors, good at changing Cantonese originated in Han dynasty ---粤菜起源于汉 Cooking skill matured in Song dynasty and Tang dynasty as Canton has been a trading port 。 ---由于广州是当时的一个贸易港口,粤菜的 烹调技艺在宋朝和唐朝成熟。 Due to the Ming and Qing thriving economies ,the Cantonese had a great promotion ---由于明清繁荣的经济,粤菜得到了很大的推广。 -- History 历史因素 Guangdong has an advantage in diet for its subtropical climate and long coast line which provide abundant ingredients. ---广东地处亚热带,濒临南海,雨量充沛四季常青,物产富饶。故广东的饮食,一向得天独厚。 -- Geography 地理优势 --Main ingredients The Cantonese will eat anything that swims, except the submarine. Everything that flies, except the plane , and everything that has legs, except the table. Cooking skills Cantonese has extensively absorbed cooking skills essence.Be good at imitation and innovation ---粤菜博采众长,烹饪技巧擅长模仿和创新 With its own climate characteristics and customs, Cantonese has formed a complete system of cooking skills and unique cooking characteristics. --粤菜根据广东一带的气候、风俗,形成了一个完整的系统和独特的烹饪技巧。 Cooking skills The cuisine has more than 20 cooking methods , and is good at Stir-Fry, fry, bake, braise, stew, etc --粤菜有超过20多种的烹饪技法,尤 擅长尤以炒、煎、焖、炸、煲、炖、扣 Accurate dosage of ingredients --用量精而细 Emphasize the Decorating and the color --注重颜色,装饰美而艳。 Cooking skills Main ingredients :Spring onion, sugar, salt, soy sauce, rice wine, cornstarch, vinegar, scallion oil, and sesame oil Ginger, peppers, spices, white pepper, anise used with caution Xo sauce 、fish sauce, sand tea sauce, mei cade sauce, ginger wine sauce The condiment The condiment 主要配料:葱、糖、盐、酱油、黄酒、玉米淀粉、醋、大葱蘸少量油、和麻油 谨慎使用生姜?,?辣椒?,五香粉?,白胡椒粉?,?八角。 Xo酱 、鱼露、沙茶酱、梅羔酱、姜酒等调味品 Flavor features Attach great importance to mouth-feel ---菜肴注重良好的口感 Be famous for the taste of light 、fresh、crispy、smooth which stand for south china s character ---讲究


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