英语Book3 Uint1复习练习.ppt

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英语Book3 Uint1复习练习

1.看来Tom今天好像不会来了。 It looks as though Tom _____________ today. 2.他对待我就好像我是他的女儿一样。 He treats me as if____________________. He treated me as if___________________. * 1. Mohandas Gandhi was a political and a r________ leader in Indian history. 2. After the accident, he has lost his b_____ in God. 3. Don’t play t______ on me — I want to know the truth. religious belief tricks 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示, 写出该单词的正确形式。 练习坊 4. He has g______ rich working experience in these years. gained 5. A crowd _________ (聚集) to see what had happened. 6. He has been _________ (奖励) a medal for his great bravery. 7. This _________ (衣服) sells well to the teenage market. gathered awarded clothing 8. The king promised to hold a great ______ (盛宴) for all his people. 9. We apologize for the late ______ (到达) of the train. feast arrival 选用合适的短语,用其适当形式填空。 look forward to; in memory of; dress up; day and night; play a trick on; have fun with; as though; Her sister helped her to ________ for the party. 2. They set up a monument ___________ those who died in the big earthquake. dress up in memory of look forward to; in memory of; dress up; day and night; play a trick on; have fun with;as though; 3. We ________________ them and they fell right into it yesterday. 4. My coming summer holiday starts on the same day as my cousin’s, and I am much ___________________ it. 5. Go with your friends and ____________ them. played a trick on looking forward to have fun with look forward to; in memory of; dress up; day and night; play a trick on; have fun with;as though; 6. You have to convince them that you will put 200 percent into it and will work ____________ to make it a reality. 7. She stared at me _________ I were a complete stranger. day and night as though I had been his daughter I were his daughter is not coming I. 根据汉语提示, 将下列句子补充完整。 *


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