英语II复习(写作)Short Messages and Notes.ppt

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英语II复习(写作)Short Messages and Notes

English proverb 1. Variety is the spice of life. 丰富多彩,生活才有乐趣。 2. In unity there is strength. 团结就是力量 3. It takes two to Tango. 一个巴掌拍不响 4. A man is known by the company he keeps. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑 5. Misery loves company. 难中喜有伴 6. There is no place like home. 千好万好,家里最好 Short Messages and Notices 1 写便条的注意事项: (1)日期(可省略) (2)(dear);(sincerely) 署名 (3)行文简洁明了,可使用不完整的句子。 Examples June 6 Dear Mr. Martin, This letter was not delivered to you – perhaps it had the wrong address. So I will try again and forward it to you via the Smiths. Yours sincerely, James Stone Rick – Here is a ticket for the concert tonight. Meet you down at the library about 6.00. – Love Jane Jessie – Tracy called and said she’d bring the waxberries over at about 9 p.m. If you are not around, call her back. Pauline Wed. June 11 Mr. Parker, Please do the following things: 1) Replace a tap washer in the kitchen. 2) Check the leak in the ceiling of the living room caused by steam radiator. 3) Leave a bill please! Mrs. Wilkins Hi Dear, This is a quick note to inform you all that we’ve just moved to our new apartment. Our contact telephone is changed to: 531-6728 Mailing address: Room 101, Building 6, Spring Garden Chaohua Road, Hangzhou, 310012 Once we get settled down, we will try to contact you. Right at this moment, we are very busy! Have fun with your summer vacation. Eric and Lily Writing tasks You are a student doing a degree in a British university. You stay with an English family in the hope of improving your English. One day, you ar


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