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本 科 毕 业 论 文 题 目:On English Translation of Chinese Public Signs 院 (系): 外语系 班 级: 英语 级 班 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 教师职称: 汉英公示语的翻译 摘要 公示语向来被称作“城市的脸孔,是给所有到中国来的外国人士留下第一印象的中国名片。然而,公示语翻译的错误比比皆是,这大大影响了公示语作用的发挥,削弱了我国的国际形象。为了树立我国良好的国际形象,不断规范和完善城市公示语的翻译成为了一项亟待完成的工作。 基于以上原因,作者尝试从理论和实践的角度分析现今汉英公示语翻译中所存在的一些问题。通过对大量标准以及问题公示语翻译的深入观察分析,作者对公示语的一般特征进行了总结并对公示语翻译中出现的问题进行了分类,从而在实践观察和对相关理论深入研究的基础上提出相应的翻译策略。 翻译并不仅仅是跨语言行为,它更是一种文化信息的传递。公示语的翻译同样如此。得体的公示语翻译不仅在语言上要无懈可击,在文化信息传递上也要雅俗共赏。本文还对公示语的概念做出了解释,并根据目的需求与功能两种标准对公示语做了分类。在介绍公示语的特征时,作者将其分为语言特征与功能特征,特征与分类不同,也决定了需要采取不同的翻译策略。 关键词:汉英翻译;公示语;问题;翻译策略 On English Translation of Chinese Public Signs Abstract Public signs, which have always been referred to “face of city”, are the first impression of China for the people who come to China. However, the ubiquitous translation mistakes of public signs greatly undermine the international image of China. So, specificating and constantly perfecting the translation of public signs have become an urgent work in order to establish a good international image. The paper ventures an attempt to analyze the current problems existing in the C-E translation of public signs and to seek proper translational strategies both from the perspectives of theory and practice.By closely observing numerous samples of both standard and problematic translation of signs,the author manages to generalize the characteristics of public signs and to categorize the problems and mistakes in the current C-E translation of public signs.Then, proper translational strategies are proposed on the basis of in-depth study of relevant theories and keen observation of practice. Translation is not merely a cross-linguistic activity, but more of a transmission of cultural information.The translation of public signs is no exception.An appropriate transl


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