英语专业英语报刊阅读Unit 3 Lesson 9.ppt

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英语专业英语报刊阅读Unit 3 Lesson 9

Unit 3 US Domestic Affairs (II);Outline;Warm-up Activities;Background Information;;;Obama;Obama’s study career;His childhood;His achievements;His family;His family;His election;His election;Background Information;; U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C. ;Legislative Branch Organization Bicameral (两院制two house) politic System Congress: Senate (100) House of Representatives (435) ;The U.S. Capitol: Senate ;The U.S. Capitol: House of Representatives;The Senate;Senate Organization;Organizational Structure of the House;Executive Branch行政部门 The executive branch of the Government is responsible for enforcing the laws of the land. President: Leader of the country and Commander in Chief of the military. Vice President: President of the Senate and becomes President if the President is unable to serve. Departments: Department heads advise the President on policy issues and help execute those policies. Independent Agencies: Help execute policy or provide special services. ;U.S. President Vice President;The White House (front) ;The White House (back) ;Executive Branch of Government; The Presidents Cabinet (15 Departments) 1. Secretary of State国务卿 Hillary Rodham Clinton Department of State (1789) 2. Secretary of the Treasury财政部长 Timothy Geithner Department of the Treasury (1789) 3. Secretary of Defense国防部长 Robert Gates Department of Defense (1947) 4. Attorney General司法部长 Eric Holder Department of Justice (1870) 5. Secretary of the Interior内政部长 Ken Salazar Department of the Interior (1849) ;6. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack Department of Agriculture (1862) 7. Secretary of Commerce Judd Gregg Department of Commerce


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