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Listen to This:2 英语中级听力 Lesson Two Section One: Interviewer: Is film editing a complicated job? Film Editor: Oh yes, a lot of people probably dont know how complicated a job it can be. Its far more than just sticking pieces of film together. Interviewer: How long does it take to edit a film? Film Editor: Well, it depends. You can probably expect to edit a 10-minute film in about a week. A 35-minute documentary, like the one Im editing at present, takes a minimum of four to five weeks to edit. Interviewer: Can you explain to me how film editing works? Film Editor: There are different steps. Synching up, for example. Interviewer: What do you mean by synching up? Film Editor: It means matching sound and pictures and that is usually done by my assistant. The film and the sound tape have numbers stamped along the edge which have to be matched. The details of the film and the sound are also recorded in a log book, so its quick and easy to find a particular take and its soundtrack. This operation is called logging and is again done by my assistant. Section One: Interviewer: So what do you usually do yourself? Film Editor: A lot of things, of course. First, I have to view all the material to make a first selection of the best takes. Theres a lot of film to look through because to make a sequence work the way you want, you need a lot of shots to choose from. Interviewer: Does that mean that you have to discard sequences? Film Editor: Oh yes. On average for every foot of edited film, you need twelve times as much unedited film and therefore you have to compromise and, of course, discard some of it. Interviewer: What do you do after selecting the material? Film Editor: First of all, I prepare an initial version of the film, a rough cut as it is called. That means that I actually cut the film into pieces and stick them together again in the new order. Interviewer: And after this rough cut what happens? Section One: Film Editor: Well, after the r


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