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M3U9See water and rain water学习单 一、主要学习目标 (一)核心词组 a quarter a quarter of… 四分之一 四分之一的… three quarters three quarters of the Earth 四分之三 四分之三的地球 prepare (sth.) for … 为…准备… on the Earth 在地球上 the largest animals 最大的动物 one of the most intelligent animals 最聪明的动物之一 one of the most dangerous animals 最危险的动物之一 get…from… (get food from the oceans) 从…得到… use…to do sth (use nets to catch fish) 使用…去做… in the deep sea 在深海 be important to sb/sth 对…重要 keep…clean 保持…干净 stop doing (stop polluting) 停止做… have no water to drink have no water to brush our teeth have no water to do… 没有水喝 没有水刷牙 没有水去做… take a shower 淋浴 water the crops and vegetables 给庄家和蔬菜浇水 put out fires 灭火 a dripping tap a running tap 一个滴水的龙头 一个开着的龙头 save water waste water 节约水,省水 浪费水 fix a dripping tap 修理滴水龙头 turn off a dripping tap 关掉滴水龙头 wash…under a running tap 在开着的龙头下洗… instead of sth/sb/doing sth 而不是、代替… save water by doing save water by not doing 通过做…节约水 通过不做…节约水 (二)语言结构 1. If there is no rain,…will/will not… . 2. We use water to do sth. 3. by fixing…./by not playing 4. the +adj.最高级 5….one of the +adj.最高级+n(s) (三)重要句子 1. Almost three quarters of the Earth is water. 2. Whales are the largest animals on the Earth. 3. Dolphins are one of the most intelligent animals. 4. People also get food from the oceans. 5. Fishermen use nets to catch fish and prawns in the deep sea. 6. The oceans are important to all animals on the Earth. 7. We must stop polluting them. 8. If there is no rain, we will have no water to drink. 9. Farmers need water to water the crops and vegetables on their farms 10. We can save water by fixing a dripping tap / by not playing water games. 二、学习过程 Part2. Vocabulary and Grammar: I. Choose?the?proper?words?or?phrases?to?complete?the?sentences.? 1.?Take?the?raincoat_______(instead/instead?of)?the?umbrella. ?2.?Please?stop_______(to?polluting/polluting)?the?Earth.? 3.?Farmers?need?water_______(to?water/for?water)?crops?and?vegetables.? 4.?Oceans?are?important_______(to/on)?


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