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* 根据课文Festivals and Celebrations完成下列短文 There are all kinds of ___1___throughout the world,festivals to satisfy and please the ancestors,___2___ honour some famous people or important events,and to express peoples gratitude to God for bringing them a year of __3__.For example,Japanese observe Obon,__4__ people go to clean the graves and light incense__5___their ancestors.In India,October 2 is a national festival to honour Mahatma Gandhi who helped India become an __6__(depend)country.And in China the Spring Festival,which__7__(celebrate)in January or February,is __8___ most energetic and important because it is a festival that looks forward to the __9__(come)of spring. Why are all these festivals everywhere?Because during the festivals,people can get together to eat,drink and have fun with each other,__10___(forget)all the daily struggle and demands for a while. 答案:1.festivals/celebrations 2.to 3.plenty 4.when 5.in memory of/to honour 6.independent 7.is celebrated 8.the  9.coming  10.forgetting 二、课文概要 One morning, Wang Peng’s popular restaurant suddenly became empty, which frustrated him, but he found Yong Hui’s restaurant attracting many of his customers. To win back, he had a competition against her. 根据课文Come And Eat Here完成下列短文 Wang Peng felt very frustrated when he saw none of his patrons(常客)would eat in his__1__.In his opinion,nothing could be __2__ than his fried rice,mutton kebabs,fatty pork or his__3__(sugar)cola.Who won his customers?He followed one of his best friends into Yong Huis newly-opened __4__(slim)restaurant and was __5__(amaze)at the menu there:raw vegetables,fruit and water. It was obvious that Yong Hui was telling __6__ when promising to make the customers thinner. In order to win his customers __7___,he went to the library to do some research,__8__ showed Yong Huis menu didnt give the customers energy-giving food.__9___(find)out the__10__(weak)of Yong Huis menu,Wang Peng wrote his own sign,saying energy-giving food served. In fact,there was


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