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Test on Unit 1 Unit 2 Name_________ Class________ Number__________ Mark_________ 批改人_________ 一、单词拼写。(10分) 1. It is hard to know the ________ (起源) of the human race, how the human race comes out. 2. People light incense before graves in __________ (纪念)of their ancestors. 3. The homeless children were _________(渴望) for safety and love. In Africa, many people die of (starve). 4. I don’t share her ___________ (宗教的) beliefs. 5. You see, the _________(精力充沛的) young man plays basketball day and night. 6. We held a party to (celebration)Tom’s birthday. 7. My little brother quite likes living alone. It’s made him more ____________ (independence). 8. It is my _________ (believe) that we will find a cure for the cancer in the next ten years. 9. The boss is a great (admiration) of Bob’s work. 10.Smoking is not (permission) in the meeting room. 二、句型转换:(每空2分,共10分) 1. Obviously, he was very nervous. _________ ________ ________ ________he was very nervous. 2. You will be sure to enjoy yourself at the party tonight. You will be sure to___________ ___________ at the party tonight. 3. You must apologize to your teacher for being so rude. You must _________ _______ _________ ______ your teacher for being so rude. 4. May I have your permission to open the door ? Would you _____________ me ____________ open the door ? 5. They built a statue to honour the famous leader. A statue was built _________ __________ _________ the famous leader. 三、完成下列句子翻译。(每题3分,共15分) 1.孩子们把Jon 的自行车藏起来捉弄他。 The children hid Jon’s bike to _________ _________ _________ him. 2.那位妇人总是把自己打扮成年轻女子。 The lady always __________ _________ ________ a young girl. 3.他是一个守信用的人。 He is a man who _______ _______ _________. 4.这封信让我记起她以前说过的话。 This letter ________ _________ _________ what she said before. 5.艾米丽屏住呼吸,等待乔丹的回答。 Emily _________ ___________ __________, waiting for Jordan’s reply. 四. 单项填空:(每题2分,共20分) ( ) 1. Be careful ! The slightest spark could ______ the fireworks


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