英语演讲80s Cartoons.ppt

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英语演讲80s Cartoons

Classic Cartoons Shuke and beita Adventure of two little mice Polite mouse ——Shuke Mouse tanker——Beita Their human friend——Pipilu Dirty King: Adventure of Pipilu ZhengYuanjie His main works: Pipilu Rumor(外传) Luxixi Rumor Haier brothers: It’s full of scientific knowledge in their global travel.The boy named Crude is so funny . ZebraFinch(大头儿子小头爸爸) Ordinary but warm family Small and intersting stories A quality of imagination but strong reality Full of love given by parents Brave and resourceful Mr.black cracked one after another case,to defend the safety of the forest. His rival——a mice with only an ear Some about mantis(螳螂):In order to reproduce the next generation,the female mantis will eat her spouse. Calabash Brothers Justice and Unity An individual has his own disadvantage.Only together can we defeat the evil. Smart Afanti Puppet(木偶) Cartoon Adapted from real people Against to Biyi Laoye wisely Ridiculing greedy people Der Rauber Hotzenplotz(大盗贼) Adapted from the German fairy tale The big thief whose nature is not bad Singing coffee grinding(会唱歌的咖啡磨) A pair of friends The evil magician who loves mashed potatoes(土豆泥) The impatient and foolish police Popeye (大力水手) American cartoon Full of power if eating spinach(菠菜) Smoking a pipe(烟斗) I think it can persuade children to eat spinach and other vegetables, although I still didn’t like it. Tom and Jerry: Its difference lies in its silence.It gives us simple pleasure by humorous body language. Sailor Moon(美少女战士) Japanese chick comic Tuxedo Mask(夜礼服假面) ——handsome Beat you in the name of the Moon(代表月亮消灭你) Slam Duck(灌篮高手) Classic cartoons will never fade away! They are not only the outstanding animation but also the precious memories of our childhood. They are freshness of the deep spring of life. They brought us much pleasure, some knowledge and truth in life. * Arrogant(狂妄自大的) king of mice He is so crazy and ambitious to want to become the king of the earth. In order to unlock it, we should ensu


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