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英语早自习学习安排 For 1254 2013.3.11 课程安排: 本学期内容:新概念2 以及一些好的文章 目标:标准发音的基础上提高说与听的能力 要求:分组学习;每日一个小短文;英语口语练习;出勤 如果想要表达你过去的经历,介绍你以前的成长过程,那你头脑中会有哪些英文表达呢?大家可以用下面的词汇引导你的思路:小学(primary school)初中(junior middle school)高中(senior high school)大学(college) 我十几岁时(in my teens) 二十几岁时(in my twenties) 文科(arts)理科(science) 此外,还有哪些可以帮助我们可以更清晰表达的词汇以及注意事项呢? Success story Yesterday afternoon Frank Hawkins was telling me about his experiences as a young man. Before he retired, Frank was the head of a very large business company, but as a boy he used to work in a small shop. It was his job to repair bicycles and at that time he used to work fourteen hours a day. He saved money for years and in 1958 he bought a small workshop of his own. In his twenties Frank used to make spare parts for aeroplanes. At that time he had two helpers. In a few years the small workshop had become a large factory which employed seven hundred and twenty-eight people. Frank smiled when he remembered his hard early years and the long road to success. He was still smiling when the door opened and his wife came in. She wanted him to repair their grandsons bicycle! New words and expressions 生词和短语 retire v. 退休 company n. 公司 bicycle n. 自行车 save v. 积蓄 workshop n. 车间 helper n. 帮手,助手 employ v. 雇佣 grandson n. 孙子 Yesterday afternoon Frank Hawkins was telling me about his experiences as a young man. Before he retired, , but as a boy he used to work in a small shop. It was his job to and at that time he used to work fourteen hours a day. He saved money for years and in 1958 . Frank used to make spare parts for aeroplanes. At that time . In a few years the small workshop had become a large factory people. Frank smiled when he remembered . He was still smiling when the door opened and his wife came in. She wanted him to


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