英语小组课堂展示 口语练习 on diet 节食.ppt

英语小组课堂展示 口语练习 on diet 节食.ppt

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英语小组课堂展示 口语练习 on diet 节食

Vitamin Vitamin B2 fat Vitamin B6 Protein Vitamin B1 Sugar Sauce Ketchup (番茄酱) Sugar Sugar Part 5 modern technology aids My diet coach My Fitnesspal 薄荷健身 MyPlate Calorie Count My Fitnesspal Count your calorie goal food exercise remaining * Share data with friends conclusion keeping on diet scientifically ? excessive dieting ? Going on diet Become popular Seek help for scientific way of dieting Traditional experiences Modern technology Thank you for listening! On Diet Group One: Part 1 冯婉婷 Carmen Part 2 冯紫莹 Eliana Part 3 叶 纯 Andy Part 4 谢煜琳 Doggy Part 5 黄佳旻 Becky outline Part 1 introduction definition Part 2 current situation Part 3 advantages disadvantages Part 4 traditional tips Part 5 modern technology aids Part 1 introduction definition Do you want to eat them? High - fat , high - calorie foods Do you want to eat them? I’m hungry!! After …... a short period of time…… And then we try to be on diet Oh no! How can they make it??!! Here comes a question What is on diet? On the surface of it, be moderate in eating and drinking. But it has a deep understanding, balanced diet. Part 2 current situation REASONS No.1 No.2 No.3 A wrong attitude Please specific Follow the public WAYS yoga liposuction survey of going on diet Part 3 advantages disadvantages Obesity dietary obesity Be crapulent (暴饮暴食) eat and drink too much Cause a variety of diseases Fatigue(疲乏) Neurasthenia(神经衰弱) Enterogastritis(肠胃炎) Heart attack Senile dementia(老年痴呆) Keep fit Improve memory Enhance adaptability Excessive dieting Famale infertility (不孕) Endocrine disorder (内分泌失调) Liver funtion damage (肝功能受损) Part 4 traditional tips Rule no.1 Eat when you need Why dieting doesn’t usually work So that you eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full Stop starving yourself Rule no.2 Cut off unnecessary food A small strategy: Keep yourself away from food In the drawer On the table Chances to eat Place you pu


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