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基础对话 1. Bob: Can I help with your luggage? Mary: __________________________. a. No,thanks.I can manage it. b. No,Many thanks.I can do. c. No,not necessary.Thank you anyway. d. No,you neednt.Thank you anyway a. NO,thanks.I can manage it. 说我行时用:I can manage it. 2. Speak A: Are you feeling better now? Speak B: __________________________. a. Well,not too better yet,thank you. b. Well,not too good yet.Better than I was though. c. Well,it doesnt matter,Im much better now. d. Well,never mind,Im much better now. b. Well,not too good yet.Better than I was though. not too better yet不符合表达习惯 3. Speak A: Did you have a good crossing? Speak B:____.It was really rough and Im not a good sailor. a. No,Im afraid not. b. Yes,very pleasant crossing. c. No,I hadnt. d. Yes,it did. a. No,Im afraid not. c的主动词使用不当。 4. Telephone enquiry Clerk: Lost property department.Can I help you? Phone caller: ______I left it on the Margate Mermail when we cross from Olsten yesterday morning. a. I want you help me find my lost camera. b. I wonder if you have a camera of mine. c. Do you think if you have a camera of mine. d. I doubt if you could help me find my lost camera. b. I wonder if you have a camera of mine. a问得过于直接。 d显得欠缺礼貌。 5. Guest: Have you a single room for tonight and tomorrow night with a telephone and shower? Clerk: We havent any rooms with a shower free just now,but theres a bathrom available on each floor. Guest:___________ a. Oh,sorry.Forget it. b. How regretful! I give it up. c. All right.It does. d. All right.Thatll do. d. All right.Thatll do. 好的,那也行。 6. Conversation between tow strangers at a party. Chester: Hello,Im Brian Chester.Let me get you some more to drink. Jackson: Not at the moment,thank you.__________ a. How do you do? b. How are you? c. Im Andrew Jackson. d. Im glad to meet you. c. Im Andrew Jackson. How do you do? 和 Im glad to meet you.适合比较正式的专门见面场所。 How are you?用于熟人。 7. Elizabeth(Treading on someones foot):____.I hope I havent hurt you. Jo


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