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Company LOGO Bargaining process Key points: 1. tactics and strategies for making quotations; 2. indicators for the end of a bargain; 3. tactics and skills for making counter-quotations 4. principles and strategies for making compromises The bargaining phase is the core and most difficult stage in the whole negotiation process. All negotiating parties confer about substantive(实质性的) issues and items. In the bargaining phase, each negotiating party measures its own strength, intelligence and strategies against those of its counterpart. Each side may modify its original objectives, establish a basic framework for the negotiation agreement, adjust its own strategies. The negotiators’ ability to use their wisdom, strategies and skills in a correct, effective and flexible way will determine how well they can realize their final goals. The definition of quotation Narrowly: it is a way to indicate a particular price at which one party will buy or sell the specific commodity. Broadly: including other terms and conditions for a deal: the name of the commodity, quality, quantity, price, packaging, shipping, insurance, payment terms, inspections, claims索赔, arbitration仲裁… Guidelines for making a quotation The principle of making a quotation in business negotiation is “to sell dear” or “to buy cheap”. The seller should try to present his quotation at the highest price acceptable to the buyer; the buyer should bid for the lowest price bearable to the seller. The quoters should consider their own interests and the demand and supply of the relevant commodity in the market. 价格谈判与价格谈判区间 买卖双方的价格区域 卖方的价格区域 最高报价 底价 底价 最低报价 买方的价格区域 卖方的首次出价 买方的首次出价 可能达成 协议的区域 卖方底价 可能成交的区域 可能成交的区域 谈判区域 买方底价 Common ways to establish a quotation price: Assess the market situation at home or abroad, the competitors’ price level, set a range of prices to quote; Set a bottom line as the last line of defense in the negotiation; Decide the initial level for the quo


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