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Phonetic Symbols 8 / a? / ow, ou, ough ow: bow, cow, vow, now, brown… ou: out, doubt, mouth, south, around… ough: plough… down town bow down around the house about flowers down south a brown tower found a cow a thousand mountains around the flower house / a? - C: / loud – lord shout – short howl – hall house – horse down – dawn sow – saw town – torn the ground floor a northern town out of order a morning gown a thousand horses Now write it down. Now teach me how to plough. Open your mouth and round your lips. Round and round the house went the crowd. He shouted louder and louder to the crowd. Cow, cow, Friendly and brown, Let down your milk, For the hungry town. / E? / o, oa, ow, ou o: go, so, no, hope, sold, ocean… oa: boat, coat… ow: show, low, known… ou: though, shoulder… go home don’t know hope so those clothes so cold no hope Go and open the window. Oh, don’t go home alone. How old she’s grown. Show me your notes. As you sow you shall mow. Little strokes fell great oaks. Show me where those roses grow, Closed and cold as frozen snow, Or slowly opening wide, and showing How their golden hearts are glowing. / E? - ? / goat – got note – not hope – hop own – on coat – cot / E? - C: / row – raw so – saw coat – caught woke – walk bowl – ball coal – call / E? - u: / wrote – root chose – choose blow – blew coal – cool soap – soup / ts / ts, tes ts: beats, seats, sheets, sets, cats… tes: kites, skates… / dz / ds ds: cards, beds, birds, reads… bits of sheets lots and lots coats and shorts arts and crafts odds and ends cards and boards I saw lots and lots of birds and kites. He holds three cats in his hands. Keats wants some cards and boards. There are hundreds and hundreds of beds in the carts. The guards have killed thousands and thousands of birds and cats. Gifts, gifts, gifts! Rafts of gifts! Gifts from you and me. The wind s


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