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* 采访报道 采访报道首先交待采访的时间、对象、主题等,然后描述数据和信息呈现出的问题所在, 并分析原因,最后写被采访人提出个人观点或对解决该问题提出建议。 晨 读 背 诵 1. have an interview with sb.采访了某人 2. sharing feelings分享感受 3. raise the awareness提高认识 4. lay emphasis on把重点放在,强调 5. master skills掌握技巧 6. concerning the issue of关于……的问题 7. according to sb.根据某人的观点 8. He pointed out that…他指出…… 9. He suggested that…他建议…… 10. He reminded us that…他提醒我们…… ●分享感受(2013汕头期末) Last weekend, I am very lucky to interview Kelly Lam, a professor of psychology, talking about the Chinese students’ opinions on sharing feelings. In China, more than 30% of the students are unwilling to share their feelings no matter when they are delighted or worried. What’s worse, our education doesn’t let children know the importance of sharing. Professor Lam believes that we live in a time in which sharing feelings is so necessary. Therefore, students should learn how to share their feelings, which is beneficial to their growth in the future. ●中学生英语单词的拼写问题 Last Wednesday, I had an interview with Mr Wang, an English teacher, concerning the issue of English word spelling among middle school students. According to Mr Wang, slightly more than half of the senior middle school students English handwriting are very poor, and about 45% of them can not spell words correctly although they are able to speak. He also pointed out that the causes of spelling problems are that there are no specific spelling tests in exams, and there is no enough training. Worse still, students are not willing to memorize English words. He suggested that we should raise the awareness and lay emphasis on that. Above all, we should master skills while training ourselves. ●睡眠与记忆的关系 Last weekend I had an interview with Fenn, an American professor of psychology, concerning the issue of the relationship between sleep and memory. A new study suggests that enough sleep helps reduce errors in memory and this finding has practical effects on everyone. According to Fenn, the causes are not


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