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2)为人自信乐观的男孩刘翔, 出生在1983年的上海. Liu Xiang, ___________________________ , was born in Shanghai in 1983. 3) 莫言,当代著名作家,在2012年10月11日获得诺 贝尔文学奖。 Mo Yan, _____________________________, won the Nobel Prize for Literature on October 11th, 2012. 思考:什么时候用分词结构? 思考:什么时候用with结构 思考:什么时候用复合句等结构? Mother Teresa, born on August 27,1091, died of heart disease on September 5, 1997. Her family was not rich but the harmony of the family made her a kind and helpful person. In 1948, Mother Teresa founded the Missionaries of Charity. Through it, she had devoted her life to helping the poor, the sick and the dying around the world, particularly those in India. Her selfless work brought her many awards, including the Nobel Peace prize in 1979. 1. 世界上著名的世界著名童话作家Hams Christian Anderson,现代童话之父,于1805年出生于一个贫穷的家庭。 2. 他于1828年接受高等教育,毕业后努力创作,获得很大成功。 3.他一生共创作一百六十多个故事,他的作品已经被译为150多种语言。 4.他给孩子带来了欢乐,被高度赞扬。 5. 在1875年因肝癌去世 人物简介的一般步骤 the right order (1)概况age, sex, birth-place, background (2)外貌/性格appearance ,character (3)教育education (4)生平big events in his or her life ( in the order of time ) (5)评价evaluation 【Useful words and expressions】 年龄、出生 1)二十岁的时候_____________________ 2)于1987年5月生在北京 __________________________________ at the age of 20 was born in Beijing in May 1987 【Useful words and expressions】 2. 外貌、性格特征: 1)漂亮__________________________________ 2)1.80米高_________________________ 3)勤奋的________________________ beautiful/pretty/handsome/good-looking 1.80 meters tall/ in height diligent/ hardworking 3. 教育: 1)努力学习_______________________ 2)获得硕士学位_________________________ 3)毕业_______________ work hard at his studies receive/gain a master’s degree graduate from 4. 经历: 1)致力于______________________ 2)有……天赋_____________________ devote oneself to have a gift/ talent for 5. 评价: ①做出了……贡献_________________________ ②对…的评价很高_______________________ make great contributions to speak/think highly of Lets do a fast reading: Just guess the person described in the following sentences. 1.Born on the 13


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