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一.Vocabulary and Structure 20% If you are not going to help, at least don’t get___ C___. A. tn a way B. all the way C. in the way D. on your way You are very__A____today. Have you passed the examination? A. cheerful B. cheered C. cheering D. cheer 3. Most children are ____B__ to walk before they can talk while little Mary can talk before she can walk. A. ability B. able C. unable D. enable 4.”You should drink___D___two glasses of water ever day,”said the doctor. A. at last B. at once C. at all D. at least 5.These reaserch workers will___B___the problem at once. A. search B. look into C. inquire D. exploit 6. __B____a telephone, a prnter and a computer on my desk. A. There was B. There is C.There be D. there were 7. Don’t serve water at meals unless someone___D___it. A. asks after B. asks of C. asks with D. asks for 8. Have you ___D___your cold yet? I suggest that you go to see a doctor. A. got into B. got away C. got through D. got over 9. My teacher has a___B___of humor and we all like him very much. A. emotion B. sense C. feeling D. concept 10. You’d better talk it over with your wife before you do___B___. A. hers B. it C. ours D. theirs 11. They have___D___the match because of the rain. A. called for B. gave off C. turned off d. called off 12. They __A___themselves very much at the party. A. enjoyed B. loved C. fond of D. liked 13. Britain wants to___B___its position as a world power. A. make B. maintain C. hold D. reserve 14. You are pretending to be annoyed, but you are not___D___. A. surely B. correctly C. rightly D. really 15. Although they were very tired, they___C___with their work. A. went out B. went down C. went on D. went for 16. They will have everything___C___ for the trip to Beijing. A. alread B. up C. ready


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