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1.move a ______ film (感人的电影) a ______ mother (感动的母亲) 2. fall a _____ leaf (一片正在飘落的叶子) a _____ leaf (一片落叶) 过去分词作定语、表语和补语练习 1. Sent to the hospital immediately, the _________ (wound) soldier was saved. 2.English is a widely______ (use) language. 3. This is one of the schools _____ (build) in 1980s. 4. The programs ____ (put) on yesterday evening were really wonderful. 5. The firefighters are trying their best to rescue all the people ______ (trap) in the fire. 6. Youd better not get the plastic bags and boxes ____ (burn). 7.She was very____________ (disappoint) to hear the result. 8.He’s quite___________ (experience) in teaching beginners. 9. The little girl was very ____________ (frighten) at a frightening voice. 10. They found the house ________ (break) into and rang up the police at once. 11. I found the countryside_________ (change) a lot. 12. I want the work _______ (finish) by Sunday. 13. Jim ordered the room __________ (clean). 14. We saw the thief _____ (catch) by the police. 15. People found the water ________ (pollute). 16. Do you know the man with his hands ______ (tie) back? * * Grammar 过去分词作状语 Grammar (5m) moving moved falling fallen 分词作表语 她现在很累。 She is very _____. 这工作累人。 The work is ______. tired tiring 分词作定语 这就是那只吓人的老虎。 这就是受了惊吓的女孩。 This is the ________ tiger. The work is _______ girl. frightening frightened The people ________________are my friends. The house ___________ will be pulled down. The house __________ will be a store. 分词短语作定语 building the house 正在建房的那些人是我的朋友。 去年建造的那座房子将要拆除。 正在建造的那座房子将是个商店。 built last year being built 分词短语作定语可改成定语从句 I saw the glass _______. I saw the boy _________________. 分词短语作定语 breaking the glass 我看见那玻璃是破的。 我看见那男孩在把玻璃弄破。 broken put burnt trapped wounded used built disappointed experienced frightened broken changed finished cleaned caught polluted tied ______________________________, I got a bad headache. 2. ______________________ (受缺乏新鲜的空气的影响), I got a bad headache. 3. _________


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