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Micro charity: Everyone can do a little more Content what is the micro-charity the characteristics of micro-charity the concept of micro-charity How to put micro-charity into practice The micro-charity of myself 1.what is the micro-charity Micro-charity means starting from the insignificant public welfare,it emphasizes that many a little makes a mickle.Though you dont have a lot of money or a strong social influence,it doesnt prevent you from engaging in public welfare.Micro-charity is such a platform that brings everyones little love together into a strong social force. 2.the characteristics of micro-charity Happy:no matter it is Pencil Enchanging for Dormitory or Free Lunch Program,micro-charity passes the happy idea to others while helping themselves. Creative:I think only the creative ideas can maintain vitality forever,so as the action of micro-charity. One kilogram more voluntourism One kilogram more voluntourism is initiated public welfare activities by non-governmental organization, it advocates that before the trip,the tourists can prepare a few books and stationery, bring to the needy children and schools along, and emphasized tourists and children face-to-face communication, broaden childrens horizons, arousing the childrens confidence and imagination.Finally,the 1KG site will share the activities information and experience,let the school and children get more attention and help, at the same time, let more tourists benefit. 2.the characteristics of micro-charity Comprehensive:We can unit all the force that can be united together to do public service,whether it is microblogging,media,or something else. Direct seeding:All-round display through pictures,texts,video Everyone involved:everyone can attent this activity,even we dont have enough money.Publishing a microblogging is also a public acting. 3.the concept of micro-charity Explore the tiny social needs around ourselves. Wake up more peoples attention. Actions are the most important. Mugsconc


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