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group members : from International Trade,Class 1103;;US and Afghanistan wrangle with deal to keep troops in place after 2014;*;The Chinese government announced on Nov. 15 that it would loosen its notorious family-planning scheme, commonly known as the one-child policy. The new regulations will allow couples in which at least one parent is an only child to have two offspring. Xinhua, China’s official news agency, said the reform was designed to “steadily adjust and improve family-planning policies.”;*;JP Morgan Chase agrees record $13bn settlement charges over toxic mortgages;Chinese hospital ship Peace Ark arrives at Thilawa Port in Yangon, Myanmar, Aug 28, 2013, as part of an overseas voyage to provide medical services to local residents. China has also offered to send its hospital ship, the Peace Ark, to the countrys areas hardly ravaged by Typhoon Haiyan, said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei.[Photo/Xinhua];Is Bitcoin about to change the world?;Bitcoins are mined by computers solving fiendishly hard mathematical problems. The coin doesnt exist physically: it is a virtual currency that exists only as a computer file. No one computer controls the currency. A network keeps track of all transactions made using Bitcoins but it doesnt know what they were used for – just the ID of the computer wallet they move from and to. The past weeks have seen a surprising meeting of minds between chairman of the US Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke, the Bank of England, the Olympic-rowing and Zuckerberg-bothering Winklevoss twins, and the US Department of Homeland Security. The connection? All have decided its time to take Bitcoin seriously.;*; presented in 2013.11.21


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