英语辅导讲义-新世纪高二上 补习4 老师.doc

英语辅导讲义-新世纪高二上 补习4 老师.doc

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英语辅导讲义-新世纪高二上 补习4 老师

辅导讲义 课题名称 新世纪高二上 补习4 讲义序号 教学目标 教学重点 难点 教学过程 Unit 1,2复习题一 Ⅰ Vocabulary ( ) 1. It has become_______ knowledge that fast food is classified as junk food. A. common B. strange C. alternative D. ethnic ( ) 2. You can’t gat across the river ______ by swimming. A. more than B. except for C. other than D. rather than ( ) 3. Rod said earlier that he would resign if the money he received illegally was more than one tenth of the amount. This ______ to be the case. A. gave out B. turned out C. put out D. found out ( ) 4. They stay up late reading the books, collect all the posters and spend hours searching the Web for _____ news. A. immense B. related C. united D. essential ( ) 5. Many people are fond of Haagen-Dazs ice-creams for its very special _____. A. style B. process C. appetizer D. flavour ( ) 6. We cannot _____ starting a global experiment that would affect the universal belief. A. help B. choose C. rush D. risk ( ) 7. Standing on the top of the hill, you can have a bird’s eye _____ of the valley. A. watch B. concept C. look D. view ( ) 8. More and more people are traveling abroad as travel does _____ people’s horizons. A. expand B. extend C. stretch D. spread ( ) 9._______, the police stopped him in time, saving the lives of many innocent people. A. Alternatively B. Unexpected C. Fortunately D. Accidentally ( ) 10. There is an old saying I believe: Chance ______ only the prepared mind. A. implies B. responds C. favours D. warns ( ) 11.Our relationship is built on a _____ foundation of mutual trust. A. vast B. physical C. natural D. solid ( )12.The team has ____ the last 20 years following the life pattern of 14,000 trees that spread across an area of 190 square


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