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Culture Influences Climate Organizational Culture and Its Human Dimension Culture Influences Climate The Differences between Organizational Culture and Organizational Climate Organizational Culture and Organizational Climate What is the organizational culture? Key words :values,beliefs,customs or norms of an organization Organizational Culture and Organizational Climate What is the organizational climate? It refers to the general atmosphere of an organization Key words :more general more nebulous Surveys are used to determine whether the climate is positive, neutral ,or negative. In a positive climate… In a negative climate… Influence of Management Practice 企业文化对企业管理行为的影响 An organization’s culture is particularly relevant to managers. The link between the organization’s values and managerial behavior is fairly straightforward. The culture establishes for managers what is appropriate behavior.(eg. Nike Inc.) 企业文化是企业管理行为的核心要素。企业文化注重氛围的营造,而管理行为则不断加强这个氛围。作为企业经营核心的企业文化,在企业管理行为中是旗帜,是航标,指引着企业正确的发展方向。 Organizational Culture and Its Human Dimension Organizational culture can serve as a remarkable framework in viewing the human resource and strategic planning events. what is human resources(HR)? Achieving the mission and objectives of a firm is a function of how well managers and other employees use the resources available to that firm. HR people employed in the organization 人力资源的概念 人力资源是指人类进行生产或提供服务,推动整个经济和社会发展的劳动者的各种能力的总和。从企业管理的角度看,人力资源是由企业支配并加以开发的、依附于企业员工个体的、对企业经济效益和企业发展具有积极作用的劳动能力的总和。 What is strategic planning? Strategic planning an organization’s decision about: What it wants to accomplish(its mission)? How it wants to go about accomplishing it? 1.It can be considered as: Employee recruitment and work condition expectations. Assessment of political and promotion decisions. Management development. Care


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