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* III. Expressions Patterns 下一页 Back 返回课文 在人生的竞赛中,如果你总是安于现状、停滞不前,你永远也不会成为胜者。 活学活用 In the race of human life, you will never win any place if you are always satisfied with what you are and stand still. 1. 停滞不前 to stand still (L. 1) III. Expressions Patterns 2. 前进,向前 to move ahead (L. 1) 只要不断进取,勇于创新,你就能登上最高领奖台。 活学活用 As long as you keep on moving ahead and strive to bring forth new ideas, you will reach the top of the winner’s platform. 下一页 上一页 返回课文 Back III. Expressions Patterns 3. 落后,落伍 to fall behind (L. 2) 活学活用 The leader’s opinion had fell behind. 下一页 上一页 返回课文 Back 那个领导的观点已经落伍了。 III. Expressions Patterns 4. 受······支配 to be slaves to… (L. 5) 意志坚强的人主宰自己的人生,而意志薄弱者甘愿受命运摆布。 活学活用 A man of strong will feels in control of his own life while a man of weak will feels himself to be a slave to his fate. 下一页 上一页 返回课文 Back III. Expressions Patterns 5. 深深感到······ to have a rather acute sense of (L. 7) 风雨同舟几十年,这对老夫妇深感人生中爱情的珍贵。 活学活用 Having gone through many years of hardship in the same boat, the old couple have a rather acute sense of the true value of love in their life. 下一页 上一页 返回课文 Back III. Expressions Patterns 6. 处于压力之下 under pressure (L. 11) 活学活用 下一页 上一页 返回课文 适当的压力能够调动人的积极性,而压力太大会使人受挫,甚至失败。 Under proper pressure, people are highly motivated; but, under excessive pressure, people feel frustrated and even end up in failure. Back III. Expressions Patterns 7. 寻求注意力,引起注意 to seek attention (L. 12) 这家公司独特的宣传和推广活动使它最终在交易会上出尽了风头。 活学活用 The unique publicity and promotion eventually helped the company seek more than enough attention from the public at the trade fair. 下一页 上一页 返回课文 Back III. Expressions Patterns 8. 匆匆忙忙地做 to race through (L. 13) 时间不够了,这些学生只好匆匆忙忙地做完卷子上剩下的题目。 活学活用 As the time is running out, these students have to race through the rest of the questions on the test paper. 下一页 上一页 Back 返回课文 III. Expressions Patterns 9. 生活的节奏 the pace of life (L. 13) 只要不断学习新东西,勇于进取,我们就能跟上时代的步伐。 活学活用 As long as we make unceasing efforts to lea


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