英语阅读教程1 Unit4.ppt

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英语阅读教程1 Unit4

Part3 (15-22) Ability of insects (15-17) Walking and Jumping (Legs) (18-19) Flying (Wings) (20) Seeing (Eyes) (21) Listening (Hair/ Feeler/Skin) (22) Speaking (Back legs/Wings) Part4 (23) Great kinds of insects Numbers 1,000,000 1,000 200,000 Districts Cold– Warm Jungle– Sea Summary Fill in the blanks according to the text. A fully grown adult insect is divided into three part called the _____ , the _____ and the _________. The ____ is where the insect’s mouth parts, eyes and _______ are found. The _______, the middle part of an insect’s body, is where the insect’s legs and ______ are attached. The end part of the insect is called its _______. Many head thorax abdomen head antennae thorax wings abdomen types of insects have another pair of _____ at the end of their abdomens. The whole of the insect’s body and legs are covered by a hard skin or _____, made of a material called ______. Most insects _____from their eggs looking completely unlike the way they will look as adults. At this stage of its life the insect is called a _____. Young insects that look very much like their feelers cuticle chitin hatch larva parents are called_______. As the _____grows, every so often it has to _____ its skin. Nymphs that live in water are called ______. Each part of the insect has its special function. There are lots of different types of insects. The young insects are different from the _____, they can live in different places. nymphs nymph shed nalad adults Thank you * INSECTS By Robert Snedden Expository writing ?Exposition :conveys information and explains ideas. It provides the reader with deeper insights into a subject. Expository writing Expository writing 1. name 2. appearance 3. structure 4. function 昆虫的基本特征 体躯三段头、胸、腹, 2对翅膀6只足; 1对触角头上生, 骨骼包在体外部; 一生形态多变化, 遍布全球旺家族。” fly butterfly dragonfly damselfly horsefly wasp silkworm eggs silkworm cocoon pupa cicada gra


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