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estimate(估计) energetic=athletic=vigorous co-operative(合作的) coworker(工人) humorous=a sense of humor learned=knowledge competitive(有竞争力的) open-minded(思维开放的) strong-willed(意志力强的) civilized[adj]---civilization[n](文明) diligent---diligence(勤奋) campus life(校园生活) be on campus go through(经历) dormitory=dorm room-mate work\soul\school\desk\class mate be encouraged to do sth participate in =take part in(参加) in most cases(在大多数情况下) dashing(短跑) be at ease(很随和) sorrow(悲伤的) lock[v]\[n] run the red lights(闯红灯) unforgettable hardship=trouble regulation=rule crab(螃蟹) medical insurance(医疗保险) salary—salaries[pl](薪水,工资) wage(s)(时薪) income(s)(家庭收入) earning(s)(所得收入) intelligence(智商) have a direct effect on sth nuclear power(核能) evil (邪恶) ladder(梯子) wheelchair donut(甜甜圈) judge(法官,判断) get a general idea of(了解…的大意) scan…for…(为…而扫描) Adam’s apple(喉结) Make an introduction about sth\sb. must have done sth(对于过去肯定的推测) plan to do sth=try to do sth =manage to do sth=mean to do sth =intend to do sth exchange A for B school facilities(学校设备) go straight on car park=parking lot(停车场) nurse[n]\[v] black coffee清咖 skinning coffee(低脂咖啡) come with(带有) soft drinks(不含酒精的饮料) a bar of soap(一块肥皂) pony tails(马尾辫) donkey(驴子) buns(包子) supply(公益) on\upon doing sth=as soon as(一…就) all in all=in short = in conclusion=in general=in a word =last but not least on the one hand—on the other hand=for one thing—for another thing make the most of=make full use of? in a public place=be in public attractive=appealing=eye-catching=catch onel’s eyes=charming Science and Technology Starter=founder sb in charge of sth =sth in the charge of sb =take charge of =sb is charge with\of sth approve of sth(赞成,同意) approve sth—approval[n](上级对下级的计划的批准) inform sb of sth 当shall表示命令、威胁、警告时,可用于2、3人称. be in favor of…(喜欢…) elect—election[n](选举) request(请求) betray(背叛) rarely animal(稀有动物) force sb to do sth=push sb to do sth family issues\problems generation gap(代沟) an un expected visitor(不速之客) postpone=put off out of one’s expectation(出乎意料) 只要是与人的相关表情,


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