英语:Module3 interpersonal relationships-Reading课件(外研版选修6).ppt

英语:Module3 interpersonal relationships-Reading课件(外研版选修6).ppt

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英语:Module3 interpersonal relationships-Reading课件(外研版选修6)

Sing a song Sing the songs about friends or friendship one by one Guess: Read the beginning and end of the passage, and guess what kind the story is. I remember the first time I met Roy. He was standing in the centre of a group of boys, and he was telling a joke… …It looked as if there was about £500 there. I was so surprised that I just stood there, holding the notes in my hands. At that moment, the door swung open, and Roy walked in. Fast reading: Qs for fast-reading: 1. What was Roy like before his father died? 2. What kind of relationship did Roy and Daniel have? 3. How did Roy change? 4. What happened in the classroom that surprised Daniel? 5. What happened to the £500 ? 6. How did Daniel know who had stolen it? Main idea of each para. Para 1: “I” had no friend when “I” came here. Para 2: Roy was kind to me and we became good friends. Para 3: Roy changed a lot, becoming silent and moody as his father died. Para 4: “I” saw Roy stealing others’ things. 1. Why does Roy become silent and moody? Is he really bad seriously? 2. As his friend, what can you do for him at such a time? 3. How did Daniel do? Do you think he did well? 4. If you were “I”, what would you do? Vocabulary: Please do pair works to write two or three pieces of advice to Sam. And then check the answers. Exercise 3:answer the questions about these words and phrases. 1. financial, note, wallet, make money, raise money 2. theft,thief 3. knock over 4. move house 5. make money 6. raise money 7. amount Exercise 4. find words in the passage 1. a charity 2. a cloakroom 3. to burst out laughing 4. a locker 5. to go bright red (blush) 6. moody 7. a fair Exercise 5. 1.(b) 2.(a) 3.(a) 4.(a) 5.(b) 6.(c) 7.(a) 8.(a) 9.(a) Homework Please write your own endings to the story. * * * * 外研版 选修6 模块3 reading Outgoing, popular, and friendly 1.What was Roy like before his father died? 2. What kind of relationship did Roy and Daniel have? A close relationship, where they tru


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