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地域性犯罪中机上盗窃有关问题探析 目 录 一、地域性犯罪简介 4 (一)地域性犯罪的含义 4 (二)地域性犯罪的成因以及特点 4 (三)机上盗窃地域性 5 二、机上盗窃案例精选 5 三、机上盗窃犯罪主体特征 7 四、 机上盗窃犯罪行为 8 (一)以乘机轨迹分析犯罪行为合理性 8 (二)犯罪行为划分 8 (三)共同犯罪行为特征 11 五、机上盗窃犯罪预防 12 地域性犯罪中机上盗窃有关问题探析 (广西机场公安 窦传委) 【摘要】近年来,随着我国社会经济健康快速发展,人、财、物流动日趋频繁,一方面给民航客货运输带来了新机遇,另一方面也给民用机场治安管控和机场公安机关打击民航侵财犯罪带来了新挑战。2009年以来,机上盗窃、托运行李盗窃、航空货邮盗窃以及民航大巴车盗窃四类案件频发,给旅客财产安全造成了重大损失,据不完全统计,2011年全国发生托运行李和货物盗窃案件1222起(实际上发案数远不止这些),其中机上盗窃案件290起,高发案率和低破案率形成了鲜明对比,比如2011年机上盗窃案件与往年同比增长90.7%,但破案率仅为20.7%,近年来,除上级机关对机上盗窃犯罪主体个别特征给予明确外其他问题的相关研究较少。为此,笔者从打击民航违法犯罪、保护旅客财产安全、净化机场治安环境的角度出发,以近年来全国机场公安机关接报并侦破的机上盗窃案件以及相关犯罪嫌疑人统计数据为基础,按照分析归纳的科学方法,对机上盗窃犯罪有关问题进行了探析。 【主题词】地域性犯罪 民航侵财 机上盗窃 An analysis of the regional crime theft in machine (Guangxi Airport Public Security Bureau of civil aviation Dou Chuanwei) [Abstract] in recent years, with the rapid development of Chinas social and economic health, people, property, logistics is becoming more frequent, hand it to the civil aviation passenger transportation has brought new opportunities, but alsoto the civil airport security management and control and the civil aviation airportpublic security agencies to fight crime against property has brought new challenges; since 2009, machine theft, checked baggage theft, air cargo theft andcivil aviation bus theft four kinds of civil cases frequently, causing great losses tothe passengers and property safety, according to incomplete statistics, in 2011 theoccurrence of checked baggage and cargo theft case 1222 (actually the number of far more than these), the machine theft case 290 cases, the incidence of highgrowth and low detection rate in stark contrast, such as the 2011 year-on-yeargrowth machine theft cases in 90.7%, but the detection rate of only 20.7%, in recent years, in addition to research authorities at higher levels shall give clearother problems of machine theft crime subject of individual feature less. Therefore,the author from the fight against illegal and criminal, civil aviation passenger safety a


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