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我们都说:“是的。”母亲也点头。爹爹接下去说:“所以你们要像花生,因为它是有用的,不是伟大、好看的东西。”我说:“那么,人要做有用的人,不要做伟大、体面的人了。”爹爹说:“这是我对于你们的希望。” 译文1 Thats true, we said in unison. Mother also nodded. So you must take after peanuts, Father continued, because theyre useful though not great and nice-looking. Then you mean one should be useful rather than great and nice-looking, I said. Thats what I expect of you, Father concluded . 译文2 “That’s true,” we all said and Mother nodded her assent. “So you should try to be like the peanut,” Dad went on, “because it is useful, though not great or attractive.” “Do you mean, ” I asked, “we should learn to be useful but not seek to be great or attractive?” “Yes, ” Dad said. “This is what I wish you to be.” 译文3 We all agreed with this and Mother nodded her head too. Father continued, “So you should all try to be like the peanut, because it is neither grand nor beautiful, but useful.”“Does that mean that people should try to be useful rather than famous or great?” I asked. “That is what I hope of you all, ” Father replied. 原文有4个引述句,引述动词都是“说“字。汉语传统引述动词多为“说”或“道”。引述动词在传统汉语引述句中并不发达,甚至有点单调。相比之下,英语引述动词的使用要比汉语丰富得多。但是,汉语引述动词的单一并不影响语篇的表意与审美,而英语却倾向于变化与丰富。因此,在翻译原文中的4个“说”字时,不宜全部对应为said,应该从语篇的角度作一些调整。 “我们都说” We all agreed---- all agreed比said in unison显得更加随意一些。 “爹爹接下去说” Daddy went on----went on比continued更具有口语表达的性质。 “我说” I wondered----以wondered表示作为小孩对父亲的话语的不是确定的理解之意,当然,asked也是可以的。 “爹爹说” Daddy concluded----以concluded一词来打消了小孩的疑惑,比said或replied有更为深刻的含义。 我们谈到夜阑才散,所有花生食品虽然没有了,然而父亲底话现在还印在我心版上。 译文1 We kept chatting until the party broke up late at night. Today, though nothing is left of the goodies made of peanuts, Father’s words remain engraved in my mind. 译文2 We stayed up late that night, eating all the peanuts Mother had cooked for us. But Father’s words remained vivid in my memory till this day. 译文3 We talked late into the night before dispersing. Although we ate all the peanuts that evening, Father’s words still remain embedded in my mind. 译文1、3都使用了in my mind这个介词短语,这个介词短语为误用,用


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