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第1周教学内容(Unit I Text1-2) 1th week Teaching Content 课时: Teaching periods: 2 本周教学内容概述或教学目标: Teaching content/objectives: Unit I Text1-2 周教学内容分配: Teaching content distribution: Text 1 Soap’s Winter Home Text 2 The Hidden Power Date:(2013/9/5) 本周教学学生课下学习量:8 After class learning capacity: 本周大作业设计: Assignment design: Making a summary of Text3 第1周第一次课(2课时) 1st lesson of the 1th week (2 periods) Unit I Text 1-2 Date: (具体时间 2013 年 9 月 5 日) 课时目标: Teaching objectives: 1,Letting the students’ finish reading Text1 and Text 2 within limited time. 2, Letting the students’ finish doing all the exercises of Text1 and Text 2. 3, Letting the students’ grasp some language points 备注: Remarks: 教学重点、难点: Teaching focuses difficulties Letting the students’ improve their reading speed Letting the students’ finish reading the texts and all the exercises within limited time. 教学过程设计: Teaching procedures(50minutes +50minutes) Text 1: Step one: letting the students finish reading the text within 10 minutes, and finish all the exercises Step two: letting the students answer the questions. Step four: explaining some languages points and checking the answers Text2: the same as above 课时内容(教学内容) Teaching content: Text 1: Soapy’s winter home(50 minutes) Step one: 1. reading guide to text1 (a) Learn the following words before reading. They will help you understand the text. 1.shave v. 2.button n. 3.doubt n. 4.smash v. 5.thought n. 6.ougan n. 7.hymn n. (b) Glance over the text quickly once and see if you can answer the following questions. 1.What was Soapy thinking about doing for the winter? 2.Why did he smash the shop window? 3.What did the policeman do to him at the end? Step Two: finishing all the exercises Step Three: explaining some languages points and checking the answers Text 2: The hidden power(50 minutes) Step one: 1, reading guide to text 2 (a) Learn the following words before reading. They will help you understand the text. 1.secret n. 2.hidden adj.


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