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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * steam trap Steamloc? (甚至垂直向上的液流) steam trap Steamloc? solution 240 kg 5 kg 同一位置无需并联多个疏水阀 汽缸: - 较薄的凝液层 - 改善热传递 连续且彻底去除凝液 有限的气锁 较薄的凝液层 较好的热传递 较少的水锤现象 机械疏水阀: Steamloc蒸汽锁: 珠海PTA项目 (中国) Reliability makes us a Preferred Supplier for worldwide projects/licenses Costs / benefits 成本/收益 What are your costs ? 您的成本是多少? - check-up trap condition 检查疏水阀状态 - spare parts + warehouse + …备件+仓储+… - time to replace / repair 安装/维修时间 - energy losses before repair 维修前的能量消耗 - lower production quality 较低的生产品质 - lower production quantity 较低的生产数量 - disturbing hurry jobs 扰人的忙碌工作 - … Blowing trap 坏的疏水阀 Loss +- 18 kg/h Utility traps - load 10-20 kg/h 公用工程疏水阀-凝液量10-20公斤/小时 Correct steam trap 正常工作的疏水阀 Flash闪蒸汽: +- 2 kg/h Radiation热辐射损失: 1,2 kg/h Consumption蒸汽消耗: ? kg/h STEAMLOC 蒸汽锁 flash: +- 2 kg/h radiation: 0,6 kg/h consumption: 0,2 kg/h Total Cost of Ownership (Utility applications) Number process traps 1000 pc/plant Failure/year 150 pc (15% means 7 years lifetime) Costs: Check-ups 3 min x 1000pc x 35€/hour 1,750 € New traps/spare 150 x 140 €/piece 21,000 € Installation 150 x 0.5h x 35€/h 2,625 € Purchase/warehouse 10% on purchase 2,100 € Energy loss last half year 150px90%x10kgx0.5yx24€/ton 136,080 € Slumber leak / difference operational consumption - € Total annual cost 163,555 € (same every year…) Mostly the experience of maintenance drives to do something different... Numbers only as an example to indicate the possible items causing daily operational costs – please correct where needed. Average cost 1.090 €/broken trap Total Cost of Ownership (Process applications) Number process traps 20 pc/plant Failure/year 3 pc (15% means 7 years lifetime) Costs: Check-ups 1/4h x 20pc x 35€/hour 175 € New traps/spare 3x 8


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