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实际问题解决 Practical Problem Solving (PPS) 实际问题解决 Practical Problem Solving Problems are the seeds for improvement! 问题是改进的种子! Problems are positive opportunities! 问题是预示发展的良好的机遇! If there are no problems, than something is wrong! 如果没有问题,那一定有环节出错了! 实际问题解决 Practical Problem Solving Problems are not about blaming people! 问题并不意味着指责! 实际问题解决 Practical Problem Solving What is a problem? 什么是问题? A problem is defined as a discrepancy between an existing standard or expectation and the actual situation. 所谓问题是指实际情况与现有标准或期望之间的差距。 实际问题解决 Practical Problem Solving Steps of Problem Solving 解决问题的步骤 实际问题解决 Practical Problem Solving Problem Description问题描述 - state the problem that is occurring 陈述出现的问题 实际问题解决 Practical Problem Solving 实际问题解决 Practical Problem Solving 实际问题解决 Practical Problem Solving 实际问题解决 Practical Problem Solving What is happening? 发生了什么? What should be happening? 应该发生什么? How long has it been happening? 这种情况持续多久了? 实际问题解决 Practical Problem Solving Locate Point of Cause 确定原因所在 实际问题解决 Practical Problem Solving 实际问题解决 Practical Problem Solving 实际问题解决 Practical Problem Solving 实际问题解决 Practical Problem Solving 实际问题解决 Practical Problem Solving 实际问题解决 Practical Problem Solving How many squares? 几个正方形? 实际问题解决 Practical Problem Solving Implementing a Band-Aid Countermeasure 实施补救和对策 A Band-Aid is a temporary solution, to contain a problem 补救是一种临时解决办法,限制问题的进一步发展 A Countermeasure must address the root cause!对策则必须针对问题的根本原因! 实际问题解决 Practical Problem Solving 实际问题解决 Practical Problem Solving Benefits of PPS PPS的优点 A standardized problem solving process that everyone in the organization understands and can follow 提供了一个企业中每个成员都能理解并遵循的标准化问题解决程序 PPS allows easier communication and allows for a quick understanding of where people are in the process PPS使成员间易于交流,迅速了解人员在进程


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