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大话西游之降魔篇 动科122班 鱼妖被捕 The first act 唐僧:Make way! Make way! .Everyone listen up let me handle it .I am a professional demon-hunter. 唐僧师傅:I did not choose the wrong disciple absoubltely not you are just missing that little something. 唐僧:what is the little something? 唐僧师傅:just that little something you will fully understand and by that time you will know the boundless powers of the 300nursery rhymes 之后唐僧被女驱魔人抓上马车,开始了一段悲剧生活 The second act 龙套1:what the hell did you do? I swear I will kill you You friggin S.O.B ok go for it go on if you dare. where is my sword 龙套2:I will get it 龙套2:I can’t take it anyone you pervert 猪妖篇 The third act 空虚公子:The pig demon’s though and even though under a full moon who else could him other than me . 驱魔人1:look who’s bragging Hello there prince important 驱魔人2:They say your sword play as the best in the word.It’s time for my Almighty foot to take you on. 空虚公子:I will let you be number one It is lonesome at the top. 尼姑 : keep it low key ok? 空虚公子:stop throwing the peats 尼姑:Boss did not you tell us to throw them. what dose the cough mean.Are we throwing the peats or not. 空虚公子:not 尼姑:But you still have to pay us. 空虚公子:I know Actually I do not know what she is talking about. 驱魔人1:wow! Where did you pick up these four “lovely blossoms” The fourth act 唐僧;oh It’s you 孙悟空: You are really thought you could buy me of with a banana Actually the lotus was the real seal and this is the real me you are released me from the seal I have finally escaped Buddha’s corneal The last act 女驱魔人:I have caught you again and you still won’t admit you love me 唐僧:I love you l have love you from the moment I saw you. 女驱魔人:How much 唐僧:very much 女驱魔人:How…long …will you love me 唐僧:1000years 10000years * * 唐僧:I failed again master.Master I am so useless may be you chose the wrong disciple 经过一场恶斗,鱼妖被收服了,唐僧失败而归 。。。。。。。。。。 空虚公子:out in the world I was lucky to find these four 驱魔人2:why not just walk on your own two feet ? 空虚公子:I prince important have my o


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