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2007~2008学年 第学期 西安交通大学研究生英语期末考试试题 姓名 学号 英语班号 所在院系 考试日期 200年月日 I Vocabulary (20 points) Direction: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C], and [D]. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentences. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 1. The new subway project will greatly the journey to all parts of the city. [A] survive [B] facilitate [C] subsidize [D] extend 2. Can you ______ these letters on the edge of the paper by correction fluid? [A] protrude [B] scale [C] obliterate [D] perceive 3. How can you your rude behavior towards your parents who love you so much? [A] testify [B] unify [C] defy [D] justify 4. He was afraid that if he mentioned the matter it would _____ his family, so he kept it secret. [A] complicate [B] implicate [C] replicate [D] duplicate 5. The government decided to _____ a protective tariff on foreign cars. [A] impact [B] improve [C] impose [D] impress 6. If we remain one people, under an efficient government, the period is not far off when we may ______ material injury from external annoyance. [A] defy [B] devote [C] decay [D] defer 7. If profits should in any field of production, the resulting increase in output would cause price declines. [A] shroud [B] shepherd [C] emit [D] emerge 8. In South Africa, the notorious between the dominant minority white and oppressed majority black always trig


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