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大学英语(写作)整体教学与考试计划申请书 教务处: 现将2013/2014级大学英语写作教学与考试计划申请如下: 根据学校教学工作总体安排,大学英语写作考试将于十五周周末进行。 本次教学检查活动涉及:2013级(大英3)、2014级(大英1)两个级别。 考查方式:笔试。 组题方案:2013级A、B、C、D类写作以作文形式考查;E类以课文及课后练习翻译形式考查。2014级A、B、C类写作以作文形式考查,D类课文及课后练习翻译考查,E类以课文及课后练习翻译形式考查。 注:每阶段考核应包括前阶段试题任务的总合,如:大英3应包括大英1、2、3的全部作文任务。 经过教务处审定,现将大英1、2、3、4作文题目修正如下: 大英1: A级作文题目五选一: 1.Development and Environment(大英1) 2.Computer and Education. (大英1) 3.Negative Effects of Television(大英1) 4.The Importance of Physical Exercises(大英1) 5.Health is Better Than Wealth(大英1) B级作文题目五选一: 1.Development and Environment(大英1) 2.Computer and Education. (大英1) 3.Negative Effects of Television(大英1) 4.The Importance of Physical Exercises(大英1) 5.Health is Better Than Wealth(大英1) C级作文题目五选一: 1.College Friendship(大英1) 2.My Information Sources(大英1) 3.My working experience(大英1) 4.How To Learn English(大英1) 5.My free time activities(大英1) 2013级D、E级:课文或课后练习翻译。 大英2: A级作文题目十选一: 1.Generation Gap(大英2) 2.Tomorrows Internet(大英2) 3.What Electives to Choose(大英2) 4.Thrift is Always a Virtue(大英2) 5.Is the College English Test Band 4/6 Necessary? (大英2) 6.Development and Environment(大英1) 7.Computer and Education. (大英1) 8.Negative Effects of Television(大英1) 9.The Importance of Physical Exercises(大英1) 10.Health is Better Than Wealth(大英1) B级作文题目十选一 1.An Unforgettable Lesson. (大英2) 2.On Keeping Pets(大英2) 3.Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary? (大英2) 4.The Use of Computers in Schools (大英2) 5.Is Pressure a Bad Thing? (大英2) 6.Development and Environment(大英1) 7.Computer and Education. (大英1) 8.Negative Effects of Television(大英1) 9.The Importance of Physical Exercises(大英1) 10.Health is Better Than Wealth (大英1) C级:作文题目九选一: 1. Dream and Reality(大英2) 2. My College life (大英2) 3. China In My Eyes(大英2) 4. Private Car(大英2) 5.Air Pollution (大英2) 5.College Friendship(大英1) 6.My Information Sources(大英1) 7.My working experience(大英1) 8.How to Learn English(大英1) 9.My free time activities (大英1) D级作文题目五选一: 1. My Dream(大英2) 2.My Hobbies (大英2) 3. Lan Zhou In My Eyes(大英2) 4.My Holida


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