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* - General situation of the Hui nationnality the Hui are the most populous of Chinas Muslim peoples. They are also the most widespread, living in every city, province, and region of China,In China, Islam is most often known as the Hui religion. Although the Hui may constitute a very small percentage of the population of any one region, they are often by far the largest minority group in the region in which they live. Something about qingzhen The words qing zhen (pure and true) are often associated with Hui life, in reference to all Islamic ideals. These words are often placed on the signs of Hui establishments and on products in which Islamic ideals of purity are supposedly maintained: restaurants, food stores, bakeries, ice cream stores, candy wrappers, mosques, incense packages, and Islamic literature. In the case of food, qing zhen means that the food is free of contamination by pork and other unclean foods and is ritually purified. The Festival of the Hui Eid-al-fitr Corban Festival Eid-al-fitr(开斋节)and Corban Festival(古尔邦节)are the two biggest festival to Muslim people. Eid-al-fitr At the Eid-al-fitr day,the man of the Hui will go to the mosque to worship,And in that day,the Hui people will eat delicious food and have a good time with their family. Corban Festival At the Corban Festival day ,all the family should butcher a livestock to celebrate it. The food of the Hui Pita Bread Soaked in Lamb Soup 羊肉泡馍 Lanzhou hand-pulled noodles兰州拉面 The food of the Hui Eight bowls of Muslim 清真八大碗 beef balls 牛肉丸子 清炖羯羊肉,红烧牦牛肉, 黄焖土鸡块,清蒸香带鱼 酸辣汤里脊,牛丸烧白菜, 烟笋焖豆腐,壹品八宝饭 *


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