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第32 卷 第11 期 Vol. 32 No.11
第11 期
2009 年11 月 Environmental Science Technology Nov. 2009
郑雪松, 龚钢明
(上海应用技术学院,上海 200235)
摘 要:全程自养脱氮是在高铵氮低溶氧条件下完全由自养菌群作用而将水中氮素脱除的现象。特异性扩增16S rDNA 上的氨氧化菌
特异的CTO 基因片段,建立克隆文库并进行系统发育学分析,考察全程自养脱氮系统菌群驯化及退化过程中氨氧化菌的结构组成和其中关
键种群的变迁,结果表明:在驯化过程中Nitrosospira 属细菌和Nitrosomonas oligotropha 细菌逐渐被能够耐受高氨氮低溶氧的Nitrosomonas
europaea 细菌所代替,后者可能是全程自养脱氮系统氨氧化步骤的主要参与者,而氨氧化菌的菌群演变可能并不是后来系统退化的原因。
关键词:氨氧化菌; 16S rDNA;自养脱氮;克隆文库
中图分类号:X131.2 文献标志码:A doi :10.3969/j.issn.1003-6504.2009.11.003 文章编号:1003-6504(2009)11-0009-04
Changing of Dominant Species in Ammonia-oxidizing Population
for Deammonification
ZHENG Xue-song , GONG Gang-ming
(Shanghai Institute of Technology ,Shanghai 200235,China)
Abstract :In order to analyze ammonia -oxidizing population in deammonification sludge and investigate the changing of
dominant species during the sludge acclimatization and degeneration ,CTO stretch of AOB-specific 16S rDNA was amplified
and three gene libraries derived from 3 stages were constructed. Results of gene sequences and phylogenetic analysis showed
that during sludge acclimatization and degeneration ,ammonia oxidizers such as Nitrosospira spp. and Nitrosomonas
oligotropha were taken place with Nitrosomonas europaea which was often present in ammonium-rich condition. Results also
suggested that the changing of ammonia-oxidizing population may not cause the degeneration of deammonification reactor.
Key words :ammonia-oxidizing bacteria ;16S rDNA;autotrophic nitrogen-removal ;clone library
全程自养脱氮,即Deammonification ,是一种新型 影响。研究主要针对氨氧化菌特异性的16S rDNA 片