14-2010 脑囊虫病患者头痛症状的原因分析及治疗对策.pdf

14-2010 脑囊虫病患者头痛症状的原因分析及治疗对策.pdf

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14-2010 脑囊虫病患者头痛症状的原因分析及治疗对策

736 20 10 8 16 8 Ch in J R ehabi l T heory P ract , A ug 20 10, V ol 16, N o 8 1a 1b 1b 1a 牛松涛 , 刘文敏 , 朱俊和 , 周衡 [ ] 200 1 1 ~ 2009 12 112 , , , , , , , , , , , , [ ] ; ; Analysis and Treatment in Neurocysticercosis with Headache Symptoms N I USongtao, LI U Wenmin, ZH UJunhe, et al. The De p artment of Neurology , Beij ing T iantan H osp ital, ap ital Medical Univ ersity , B eij ing 100050, hina Abstract: Objective T o explo re the diag nosis and treatm ent in neuro cy sticercosis w ith headache symptom s Methods T he clinical data o f 112 p atient s suff ered fr om neurocy st icercosis w ith headache sy mptom s fr om J anuar y 2001 to December 2009 w er e analy zed retr ospectiv ely A ll the p atient s w ere div ided into tw o g ro up s : extr apar enchym al cy st icercosis and intr apa renchy ma l cy sticercosis Results Edem a could cau se headache symptom s in the paitent s w ith intr apar enchym al cysticercosis M ost o f these p atient s co uld re cov er after m edicine tr eatm ent T he patient s w ith ext rap arenchy m al cysticercosis, w hose headache sy mpto m s w ere cau sed by hydren cephaly and edem a, u sually needed surg ical pr ocedur es and m edical therapy Conclusion T he t reatm ent should be indiv idu alized be cau se headache sy mpto m s could result in diff erent cau ses Integ ration of surg ical pr ocedur es and m edical therapy is eff ective to r eliev e headache sym pto m s cau sed by neur ocysticer cosis Key words: neuro cy sticercosis; headache; treatm ent [ ] R5 32 33 [ ] A [ ] 100 6977 1( 2010) 0807 3603 [ ] , , , [ J ] , 2010, 16 ( 8) : 736 73 8 11 ( 98% ) ,


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