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6. Symbols ← : back, from (coming back, receiving from ) →: to ( sending to, submitting to, exporting to, leading to …) ↑: to increase, to develop, to upgrade or to be promoted, to be submitted ↗: to …gradually ↓: to decrease, to diminish, to deteriorate or to be ousted from the post =: means equal, the same as ≠ :be different from, unequal ≈:about, around +: increase, furthermore, in addition to, with and something positive -: decrease, something negative : something is smaller than, fewer than, worse than, inferior to : more than, better than △/*: VIP, leader or some important event; ∴: as a result, therefore, ∵: because, owing to, as a result, thanks to X something bad, disagree, no √ something good, famous, agree, approve, support, appreciate, ? problem, question, doubt ∞/∽ communication, exchange, share // terminate, halt ? happy ?unhappy ⊙meeting, conference :indicate the relation between the speaker and his opinion ﹗:dangerous,warning, sure, certainly 7. Abbreviations 中文缩略语: 中国人民:中人 中国政府:中G 社会主义制度:社制 物质文明和精神文明:物神 可持续发展战略:可持 社会保障体系:社保 上海市人民政府:上府 现代化:现h 合理化:合h 国际化:国h 一体化:一h 规范化:规h 代表性:代x 优越性:优x 可行性:可x 阶段性:阶x 科学性:科x 企业家:企j 政治家:政j 英文缩略语: 度量衡缩略语 m/ km/km2/ t/ kg/ kw/ KWH(度/电) 机构缩略语 NPC/ CPPCC/ UN/EU/ ASEAN 地名缩略语 Bj, SH, HK, MC, NY, LA, Calif 国名缩略语 Jap, Sing, Tha, CAN, Aus, US, UK, NZL 金属缩略语 Fe/ Cu/Zn/Ca/ Abbreviations 科研;研发 Research and development RD 投资回报率 Return on investment ROI 经济特区 Special economic zone SEZ 合资企业 Joint venture JV 外国直接投资 foreign direct investment FDI 外资企业 Foreign-invested enterprise FIE 国有企业 State-owned enterprise SOE 五年计划 Five-year plan 5 y P 国民生产总值 Gross national product GNP 国内生产总值 Gross domestic product GDP Abbreviations 信息 Information Info 合作 Cooperation Coop 部门 Department Dept 注意 Attention Attm 公司 Company Co 等等 So on and so forth etc. 即是说 That is to say i.e. 例如 For example Eg 投资 Investment Invt 贸易 Trade trd Abbreviations 全面质量管理 Total qu