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Task 1: Read a man’s story about what happened to the Amber Room quickly. Do you think it is a fact or an opinion? 2.prove: vt 证明,证实 (1) prove +n. / pron . Can you prove your courage to us ? (3).prove+n.+(to be)+n./adj.证明......是.... The fingerprints on the knife proved him (to be) the murderer. (4). prove +宾语从句 Can you prove that you are not telling lies? vi/vt. 被发现是,结果是,表现出(自己)是 prove (oneself)(to be)adj./n./介词短语 .此时无被动式,无进行时 The rumor(谣言) proved (to be ) false. He proved a very useful friend. The book proved very useful. 4.trial n审判/审讯/试验 trial and error 反复试验, 不断摸索 make a trial 试一下, 进行试验 5. agree with (1).同意某人/某人的话/某人的观点/意见/看法 /决定 等词 eg; sb /sb’s words/ what sb said/ opinion / view/ idea / decision I agree with all of what you said. (2).与… 保持一致 The verb must agree with the subject in person and number. (3).(气候.食物等)适合某人 Bananas do not agree with me. agree on 就… 达成一致的协议或取得一致的意见 ,主语常是协商一件事的人们或单位 They agreed on the date for the meeting agree to (to是介词) 表示同意某事,后面接建议/提议/ 办法/计划/安排/条件等词 eg: plan / suggestion / proposal/ arrangement / terms(条件/条款)… He has agreed to our suggestion about the holiday. agree to do sth 同意做某事 He agreed to lend his bike to me. We agreed to start early. It is certain that Mr Black will support your proposal, for he always ___ whatever you say. agrees with B. agrees on C. agrees for D. agrees to Father didn’t ___ us to use his computer. agree B. hope C. allow D. let The climate here doesn’t agree___ me. to B. on C. with D. for I ______ what he said. After a further discussion, both sides_____ the date for the wedding. They didn’t _______ each other on that point. At last the teacher ________ give him another chance. You and I _________ this point. They might not ________ his opinions. She can’t _________ your demands. rather than 连接两个主语时, 谓语动词的单复数应该与 rather than之前的一个保持一致. She rather than you is right . rather than常用于以下结构中: 宁愿… 而不愿 would doA rather than do B


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