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K im te ng of T sing h ua bam b o o slip s study A b s tra c t K im teng o f T singhua slip s help s us understand som eth ing aboutK im ten g o f B ook of history,for exam p le ;if K im teagMis real,the m ean ing ofP i-zi,the ev ent tim e o f w in d and th u n der an d oth er issu es, b ut a lso m ake us b e in doub t w ith som e n ew problem s, for exam p le :the causes of different w ords in K im teng of all ed ition,K ing W u d ied in w h ich year, the tim e of D uke Z hou in E ast and other issues. T o clarify the o ld prob lem s and to so lve new prob lem s not on ly have a positive ro le to understand K im T eng text orig ina l m ean ing, but also have great enlightenm ent for our understand ing of early W estern Z hou h istory . T herefore, w e need to seriou sly stu dy “ K im teng . A t first,w e research the K im teng text.T hrough the study of d ifferent w ord s inK im teng the texts of various version s and the com parison research , w e foun d : taboo, gram m ar hab its and literature in the process of spreading the rem oval of paper, superfluo us w ords, correct text are im portant cau ses of ancient literature generating variants.T hrough theK im teng language research,m ain thoughts,w e th ink K im teng ?’has been w ritten betw een in the end of Spring and A utum n P eriod and at the beg inn ing of W arring States Period . A t second, w e research historical problem s aboutK im teng .B ased on the ancient literature ab out the reign tim e of K ing W u after b eating Shang D ynasty,w e believ e that the reign tim e of K ing W u w as three years after beating Shang D ynasty. T hrough the stu dy of C hi xiao,the analy sis of po litical situation of the beg inn ing Z hou D ynasty.the research of D ukes po litical sty le, w e th ink that th e truth of D uke Z hou in east is D uke Z hou conqu


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