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position, place都可表示“位置”,其区别是: place是表示地点的普通词语; position用于表示与其他地点相对而言的某个位置。例如: Ill show you the place where I was born. 我来带你看看我的出生地。 He drew a plan showing the position of all furniture in the room. 他画了一张图, 显示房间里所有家具的位置。 知识链接 --- Hi, this way, please. --- OK.I sometimes have no sense of ______ when I arrive at the crossroad.    A. position B. direction C. situation D. condition 解析:需根据句意来分析。have no sense of direction 意为“没有方向感”。 B 8. Stonehenge was built slowly over a long period of time. period n. 一段时间;时期 We lived in Beijing for a?period. ?? 我们在北京住过一段时间。 The work must be completed within a two-month?period. ?? 工作须于两个月内完成。 It was the most glorious?period?of the Roman Empire. ?? 这段时期是罗马帝国最辉煌的时期。 period, age, generation这三个词的共同意思是“时期”。其区别是: period是这组词中最一般的常用术语, 用于任何时限, 时间可长可短; age意为“时代, 寿命”, 常用来表示以一个中心人物或显著特征而闻名的时期; generation意为“代、世代”, 用于上辈出世与下辈出世之间的时段,对人类来说这段时间有时可算作20年或25年,也可用于下辈本身。 知识链接 The period in which people learnt to make tools of iron is called the Iron Age. 人类学会用铁制造工具的时代, 我们称为“铁器时代”。 My generation behaves differently from my fathers and grandfathers. 我这一代人和我父辈及祖辈表现不同。 * 3. Some people think the rocks can _____ stop people from becoming ill ______ keep them healthy. 4. We don’t know who built Stonehenge _____ how it was built. 5. Historians think Stonehenge was built about 5,000 years ago; ________, they are not sure. More He is Yes Yes Interesting and Fun Stonehenge Facts for Kids ? Stonehenge seems to be the center of many Bronze Age and Neolithic monuments. You can find hundreds of burial mounds in the area that surrounds Stonehenge. ? Stonehenge itself is managed by English heritage and is owned by the crown. ? In 2008 evidence was uncovered that Stonehenge may have been a burial site well before Stonehenge itself was constructed. ? One of the stone types used to construct Stonehenge is called a Sarsen Stone. Theses stones weighed 25 tons and were about 18 feet tall. ? There


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