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EstiNet 9.0 网络仿真器 VM 映像档安装手册 Release Date: September 22, 2016 Produced and maintained by EstiNet Technologies Inc. 1 修订记录 修订版 日期 修订内容 1.0 2016/07/20 初始版本 1.1 20 16/08/19 2.2 增加与EstiNet License Server 联机的网络测试方法 1.2 20 16/09/22 移除2.5 关闭Firewall 因744 的VMImage 开启 后已经自动设定关闭Firewall 新增 3. EstiNet 环境操作介绍 2 Copyright © 2016 by EstiNet. All rights reserved. The drawings, specifications, and data contained herein are the exclusive property of EstiNet. This document is issued in strict confidentiality and shall not, without the prior written permission of EstiNet, be reproduced, copied, or used, in parts or as a whole, for any purpose whatsoever. EstiNet reserves the right to make revisions to this document and the product described herein without obligation to notify any person or entity of any such changes. EstiNet is the registered trademarks of EstiNet Inc. 3 目录 1. 安装VMware Workstation Player 虚拟软件及加载EstiNet VM image……… 5 2. 启动EstiNet 仿真器8 2.1 、 开机选单8 2.2 、 网络设定9 2.2 、 第一次启动17 2.3 、 启动EstiNet GUI 18 3. EstiNet 环境操作介绍20 3.1 、 EstiNet 仿真器环境操作介绍20 3.2 EstiNet 仿真器执行步骤(D E R P)20 3.3 EstiNet 操作说明30 3.4 EstiNet 相关说明32 附录35 影片35 登入 VM Image 信息35 VM Image 档案位置: 35 4 1. 安装VMware Workstation Player 虚拟软件及加载EstiNet VM image 由于EstiNet 仿真器需安装于Fedora 20 (64bit)操作系统中,故需先安装虚拟软件(Virtual Machine) 。 a. 请先下载VMware Workstation Player ,其官方载点为(如图1.1),并选择符合自己的操作系统相 对应的VMware Workstation Player 版本


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